The world is a terrifying place. Damnit. Sometimes it takes a deplorable event, a rush of blood to the head to remember that our routinely existences aren’t much of a reality at all. There is much, much more to the world than meets the eye – and although we live in a world of wi-fi and cell phones where all news stories are immediate and zoom into your brain at 140 characters – we often go about our everyday lives thinking that it’s all puppies and lollipops and rainbows.
Well guess what – it’s not. And I’m sorry. It’s a sad reality. It’s a grown-up reality. When we were little, things were puppies and lollipops and rainbows. And Barbie dolls. And Sega Saturn. And sandboxes. Life was sugar coated and because our minds were young and innocent and only just developing – that was perfectly fine.
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